Monday, March 28, 2011

Getting ready for summer wheat

brewed: March 27, 2011
O.G.       1.058
secondary fermentation:

4.25 oz Briess Carapils (Dextrin)
4.25 oz Briess Caramel 20
7.6 lbs Muntons Wheat LME
1 oz Perle (German)
Bavarian Weizen Ale Yeast White Labs WLP351

This is a fast and easy brew session.

A 20 minute steep of the 8.5 ounces of grains in 1 gal. of spring water at ~160 degrees

Dropped that into the boil pot and topped it very close to the top.  This was a little uncomfortable as I expected some boil over.  Added in the hops and malt then boosted the temp up to boiling.

We were lucky, constantly eying the temperature I had no boil overs but a steady 212 rolling for 50 minutes.

Cooled down to ~120 with the water chiller and topped off the fermenter with cold water.

Next time I will suggest straining the hops a bit better so things get into the fermenter without delay and cooling the wort down to 100 degrees or less since I had to wait on the temp to drop before pitching.  Since things went so smoothly and I still have almost 2 lbs of the grains on hand I will probably brew up several more batches of this throughout the summer.  Reusing the yeast cake should make this interesting and only about $25 per 5 gallon batch!

Ted assisting with the Chillin' process